Seminars, Coaching and Facilitator Training

Create your own “Last Say®”—or give the opportunity to create a “Last Say” as a very special gift to someone close to you.


Alan can collaborate remotely with people anywhere in the world to produce a Last Say that will be unexpected, authentic, and memorable. To inquire about Alan’s Last Say® coaching services

Email him

or call 518.392.5109.


Facilitator Training

Become a Last Say® Facilitator

If you’re a good writer with strong people skills, you could be ideal for this work. Alan offers facilitator training so you can hold your own Last Say® seminar.


Host a Last Say Seminar or workshop.

Alan is a seasoned presenter who draws upon a proven method to help people uncover and write strong personal narratives that can be left as gifts for others or can even be read at a person’s own memorial service.

Email him

or call 518.392.5109.
